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Invitation #1: Claire


Can we challenge our assigned position?

In the lineage of Donna Haraway, I thus militate for the production of situated knowledge that works with theoretical practices that assume and reflect their material - including sensual - conditions of elaboration.
I mean here, not to freeze the positions so easily taken for granted as interpreter/choreographer. Rather, I wish to allow each party to redefine, not only the idea of exchange and dialogue, but also to allow, step by step, to reappropriate the how to undertake the notion and experience of sharing.

At the heart of this research project, I invite Claire to retrace, redefine, and reapprehend the relationship I have with her. It becomes like a visual dialogue in motion.
This study allows us to pay attention to questions of positioning through sensory practices.

*This research is a root-departure point for future 2021-2022 projects.

The research period was made possible by Les Brigittines  - Playhouse for movement

Thank you, Claire Croizé - Lore Stessel (picture) - Eva Honings -Frank Gizycki - Clive Mitchell - The whole team of Les Brigittines , for their help.

 © 2020. Respilieux Jason.

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