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J'en Pris Les Oiseaux / Criiez Oracle


An anagram of the performers’ names, J’en pris les oiseaux / Criiez oracle involves various presentation formats and adapts itself to any type of venue. This performance consists of a solo on stage and a video-dance duet between Jason Respilieux and Claire Croizé.

This piece reveals the dialogue between our immediate environment and our inhabited bodies. From observing our surroundings, movement is a direct translation of what we see, hear, touch, feel. It expresses the diversity of perspectives we behold. J’en pris les oiseaux / Criiez oracle brings forth more nuances in our ability to speak, act, and share with care and generosity. 

This performance invites us to the art of contemplation. A poetic and sensorial choreography allows the audience to explore the senses, to observe, and restore a corporeal dialogue between our bodies and all living beings around us in order to better compose with them.




Project leader, chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, performer : Jason Respilieux

Per­for­mance (video) : Claire Croizé

Exter­nal view, dra­matur­gy, chore­o­graph­ic assistance : Eva Hon­ings

Cos­tumes : Ella­da Damianou

Light­ing engi­neer, scenog­ra­phy, technician : Max Adams

Videog­ra­phy, editing : Simon Van Der Zande

Pho­tog­ra­phy : Lore Stes­sel, Eva Honings

Del­e­gat­ed production : En Archipel Asbl

Coproduction : Les Brigittines, Charleroi-Danse

Supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (service de la danse), Garage29

Acceuil studio : Le Centquatre, L'Essieu Du Batut, Garage29, SEN (studio étangs noirs), C.A.M.P. littoral, Le Gymnase

Thanks to SUITCASE program Iles asbl, ECCE and En Archipel asbl (artistic cooperative)

Podcast "After-Talk" - La Pointe

Press review - Pzazz 

 © 2020. Respilieux Jason.

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