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J'en pris les oiseaux / Criiez oracle


involves various presentation formats and adapts itself to any type of venue.

J'en pris les oiseaux / Criiez oracle exists in various formats: solo, duo, dance video, stage version and in situ version.


An anagram of the performers’ names, J’en pris les oiseaux / Criiez oracle consists of a solo on stage and a video-dance duet between Jason Respilieux and Claire Croizé.

My choreographic methodology situates itself « in-between ». In between the attention given to our surroundings and how to express what we sense ; it’s a call to vulnerability. 

With this piece I reveal the dialogue between our immediate environment and our inhabited bodies. From these observations, I translate and express the diversity of perspectives we behold. J’en pris les oiseaux / Criiez oracle brings about more nuances in our ability to speak, act, and share with care and generosity. 

The performance invites us to contemplate. This poetic and sensorial choreography allows the audience to explore the senses, to observe, and by using our five senses, restore a corporeal dialogue between our bodies and the living world that surrounds and composes them.

Premiere in Les brigittines 06/12/22 > 10/12/22




Project leader, chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, performer : Jason Respilieux

Per­for­mance (video) : Claire Croizé

Exter­nal view, dra­matur­gy, chore­o­graph­ic assistance : Eva Hon­ings

Cos­tumes : Ella­da Damianou

Light­ing engi­neer, scenog­ra­phy, technician : Max Adams

Videog­ra­phy, editing : Simon Van Der Zande

Pho­tog­ra­phy : Lore Stes­sel, Eva Honings

Del­e­gat­ed production : En Archipel Asbl

Coproduction : Les Brigittines, Charleroi-Danse

Supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (service de la danse), Garage29

Acceuil studio : Le Centquatre, L'Essieu Du Batut, Garage29, SEN (studio étangs noirs), C.A.M.P. littoral, Le Gymnase

Thanks to SUITCASE program Iles asbl, ECCE and En Archipel asbl (artistic cooperative)

Podcast "After-Talk" - La Pointe

Press review - Pzazz 

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