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The Body Will Thrive


The Body Will Thrive takes its title and its inspiration from Lore Stessel's photo book The Body Will Thrive.

A fascinating exchange between the photographer and the dancer/choreographer Jason Respilieux has developed in recent years. Think of it as a wave motion that continues.


Come immerse yourself.

Lore draws inspiration for her work from the movement of the dancers and their singularity. These expressions crystallized in a series of images, here reciprocates a receptive direction to the movement. Through this we cast a new eye on Lore's work. Between photographer and choreographer, approach here the interplay of their observations and let yourself be guided by this sensitive exploration of what makes up matter.  

Due to its malleable format, The Body Will Thrive wishes to reinvent itself according to the specifics of venues, events and their environment.

The Body Will Thrive also exist as a tryptich video installation combining an interview from Lore stessel's work, the dance film by Jason Respilieux and a video clip from the Third Guy's Ghost Track.



20min - 2021

choreographer and performers : Jason Respilieux - Eva Honings

direction and editor : Petronella Van Der Hallen

director of photography : Esmoreit Lutters and Diren Agbaba

Thanks to Lore Stessel, Yannick Demarsin, Pieter-jan Van Brusselt, Florian Keirse, Cas-co, Handelsreizigers, Rossicontemporary,

  • 30/08/21 - expo + online screening - Cas-co Leuven, Belgium

  • 11/09/22 - L'Art Difficile De Filmer la Danse Film Festival, Cinematrek, Brussel



 30min loop - 2020

Duet or trio performed by Eva Honings - Frank Gizycki - Jason Respilieux

  • 26/10/20 - Stuk Leuven, Belgium

  • 28/10/21 - Library of Oostende, Belgium


 © 2020. Respilieux Jason.

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